Dany Bourlier is a versatile artist known for his captivating acrylic paintings on canvas and unique digital artwork. Born and raised in Los Angeles, he discovered his passion for art at the young age of 5 and has been honing his craft ever since. Drawing inspiration from the Greek-Armenian mystic and spiritual teacher George Gurdjieff who taught that people are not conscious themselves and thus live their lives in a state of hypnotic “waking sleep”, but that it is possible to awaken to a higher state of consciousness and serve our purpose as human beings. The practice of his teaching has become known as “ The Work” (connoting work on oneself) and is additional to the ways of the fakir, monk, and yogi, so that his student P.D. Ouspensky referred to it as the “Fourth Way” Dany creates mesmerizing works that express those ideas by incorporating the human eye to represent self observation along with ethereal and dreamlike scenes. His digital artwork also explores futuristic themes and adds esoteric expressions to spark curiosity in the aesthete. Driven by a deep love for the creative process, Dany continues to explore new avenues of expression, pushing the boundaries of his artistry with each new piece.